Saturday, December 7, 2013

Supplementary Question 6

How did Italy and England end up in the same World Cup Group?
- Pure chance.
- Ask Michel.
- Isn’t it obvious?
- It’s beyond me.
- I really can’t explain it.
- That’s just the way it goes.
- FIFA moves in mysterious ways.
- They changed the rules at the last minute.
- I think you already know the answer to that.
- I presume that’s a rhetorical question.
- There’s something fishy about the whole business.
- C’est la vie!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Supplementary Question 5

What do you want for Christmas?
- What I most want is a job.
- Something expensive!
- I'd really like a new pair of trainers.
- Surprise me!
- We don't celebrate Christmas.
- I'm hoping for some diamond earrings.
- A travel voucher would be great.
- I just want to be with the people I care about.
- Peace and love in the world. And a new smartphone.
- My boss’s head on a plate would be nice.
- I want Italian politicians to take a 90% pay cut.
- Nothing. I just want an end to all this materialism!
- I’m asking people to donate to charity rather than buy me anything.
- I’ll be happy if I can survive it without strangling any of my relatives.