Saturday, June 15, 2013

Q 52 How many people turned up?

Q 51 What went wrong?

Q 50 How did you meet?

Q 49 How did you manage to do it?

Q 48 How did you spend the holidays?

The accompanying book, complete with exercises and answer keys, is available on all amazon sites, including 1000 Real Answers - English Phrasebook & Self-Study Guide

Q 47 What happened?

Q 46 Where did you find it?

Q 45 Where did you lose it?

Q 44 What did you do last weekend?

Q 43 Who did you speak to?

Q 42 Why did you do that?

Q 41 How was your day?

Q 40 What have you been up to?

The accompanying book, complete with exercises and answer keys, is available on all amazon sites, including 1000 Real Answers - English Phrasebook & Self-Study Guide