Saturday, August 3, 2013

Supplementary Question 4

How do you feel about Silvio Berlusconi?
- He belongs in prison.
- I deeply believe that he is the second Messiah.
- I’ve always thought of him as a deluded psychopath.
- I am profoundly grateful for all the sacrifices he has made for Italy.
- Please don’t mention that man to me.
- He is the innocent victim of a witch-hunt.
- The man is an embarrassment to himself and his country.
- As a woman, I find him irresistibly attractive.
- He has destroyed my country.
- A deeply humble and much misunderstood man.
- The guy’s a crook.
- He has been a wonderful ambassador for Italy.
- It’s the people who support him that I can’t stand.
- We are lucky to have him!
- He has finally got what he deserves.
- I think he has a wonderful sense of humour.
- Just hearing his name makes me physically sick.

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